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Walrus Audio


Art.Nr. 3942

€ 665,00

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Walrus Audio Meraki

Meraki Standardedition mit roter Frontplatte !! Cozy up and immerse yourself in true stereo analog delay with eight MN3005 bucket brigade chips to create warm, rich repeats capable of 1200ms of delay time with parallel, ping-pong and series delay modes. Independently control the delay times and modulation of the left and right channels to create syncopated repeats or keep them locked in to the same timing for classic delay sounds. The Meraki stereo analog delay uses eight MN3005 bucket brigade chips to create warm, rich repeats. Capable of 1200ms of delay time with parallel, ping-pong and series delay modes. Independently control the delay times and modulation of the left and right channels to create syncopated repeats or keep them locked into the same timing for classic repeat sounds. Versatile Delay Modes Explore parallel, ping-pong, and series delay lines to craft your unique sound. Create syncopated rhythms or classic repeats with independent control over the left and right channels. Precise Controls Mix: Dial in the perfect blend of wet and dry signals with the Mix control, offering full wet/dry mix capability. Feedback Left/Right: Fine-tune the amount of repeats in each channel, from subtle echoes to full oscillation. Mod Depth/Rate: Add depth to your repeats with adjustable modulation, creating a chorus/vibrato effect in the repeats. Secondary functions allow wave shape and modulation phase adjustments as well. Time: Tailor your delay time from 80ms to 1200ms, offering a wide range of sonic possibilities. Tone: Shape the tone of your delay repeats with the Tilt EQ, cutting lows and boosting highs or vice versa. MIDI Implementation Digitally manipulate controls like time, modulation, tap tempo, tap division, and more with five-pin MIDI integration. Tap into Creativity Tap Division Left/Right Switch: Choose between quarter note, dotted eighth, and eighth note repeats for each channel. Feedback Mode Switch: Select between Parallel, Ping-Pong, and Series delay lines for diverse rhythmic textures. Sync/Left/Right Switch: Fine-tune settings independently for each side, unlocking a world of mismatched timings and creative possibilities with fully independent time, divisions, and mod depth/rate/shapes. Bypass Options Choose between True-Bypass or Buffered Bypass for trails, and toggle between Trails (default) or Relay (no-trails) with the Bypass switch. Tap Tempo and Expression Control Take command of your timing with the Tap Tempo switch, or use external tap or an expression pedal for even more dynamic control over time or modulation depth. Ready for takeoff Hold the Tap switch to ramp up repeats and send the pedal into self-oscillation. Fun tip: Get extra creative with sound exploration with MIDI control over oscillation and tap division manipulation. Features: -Hi-End Stereo Analog Delay -Verwendet 8x MN3005 Chips für warme, satte Echos -Verzögerungszeit von 80 ms bis 1200 ms -Stereo oder Mono nutzbar -Delay Modes: Parallel, Ping-Pong, Series (seriell) -Unabhängige Einstellung der Delayzeiten für den linken und rechten Kanal -Unabhängige Einstellung der Notenwerte pro Kanal: Viertel, Achtel, punktierte Achtel -Liefert sowohl synkopierte, als auch klassische Delaysounds -Aktiver Tilt EQ für das Effektsignal, von Bass-boost/Hi-Cut, zu High-boost/Bass-Cut -Einstellbare Wellenformen zur Modulation: Sinus, Rechteck, Zufällig -Modulationsphase einstellbar für den rechten Kanal: 0, 90, 180 Grad -Delay Mode Parallel: Linker und rechter Kanal agieren unabhängig voneinander -Delay Mode Ping-Pong: Wiederholungen alternieren zwischen den Kanälen -Delay Mode Series: Synkopierte Rhythmen, Delays des linken Kanals werden zum Eingang des rechten Kanals hinzugemsicht -Trails und No-Trails Mode: Effekt klingt aus, oder Effekt stoppt direkt nach Deaktivierung -Tap-Tempo Fußschalter -Halten des Tap-Tempo Fußschalters setzt das Feedback auf das Maximum (Oszillation) -MIDI Eingang -Externer Tap / Expression Eingang -Expression regelt die Delayzeit, oder die Modulationstiefe -Regler: Feedback L, Mix, Feedback R, Mod, Time, Tone -Schalter: Div L, Feedback Path, Mod/Time, Div R -Fußschalter: Bypass, Tap/Osc -Eingang: 2x Klinke (6,3 mm) -Ausgang: 2x Klinke (6,3 mm) -MIDI In: 1x MIDI DIN -MIDI Thru: 1x MIDI DIN -Tap/Exp Eingang: 1x Klinke (6,3 mm) -Hergestellt in den USA Benötigt: 9VDC 500mA Center Negativ

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