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 Two Amps To Cabinet Switcher MONO Set
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Two Amps To Cabinet Switcher MONO Set

Art.Nr. 3884

€ 239,00

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N-AUDIO Two Amps To Cabinet Switcher MONO Set

Two Amps To Cabinet Switcher MONO Set Kann auch über MIDI angesteuert werden !! Introducing the Two Amps To Cabinet Switcher – a versatile routing system with numerous capabilities. Its main function lies in toggling between two amplifiers and a single speaker cabinet. Amplifier switching becomes effortless via the footswitch or MIDI while playing. The passive signal routing is built on top-notch relays and lacks active components. This ensures complete electrical isolation for the connected amplifiers, eliminating any possibility of ground loops. The result is a pure, transparent sound, unaffected by coloration or the interference of ground loops. Whether you are a musician, a sound engineer, or a home studio owner, the N-audio Two Amps To Cabinet amplifier cabinet switcher is a reliable and flexible solution that delivers outstanding results. The N-audio Two Amps To Cabinet is a reliable switching system designed for two or three devices. The MONO set includes a relay unit and a foot controller, while the STEREO set features two relay units and a foot controller. This amplifier cabinet switcher is compatible with all amplifier types, including tube amplifiers, solid-state amplifiers, and bridged mono (floating outputs) amplifiers. It offers robust hardware protections, including dummy loads for the non-working amplifier, ensuring that your amplifiers stay safe. This setup is likely the most frequently utilized combination. Here, you connect two amplifiers and a single speaker cabinet to the switcher. The footswitch enables you to switch between both amplifiers in real time, allowing switching while performing on stage or recording in the studio. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to switch the signal from one amplifier to two cabinets. In this scenario, the guitar plugs directly into the amplifier, utilizing only the jacks on the rear side of the relay box. Use the Two Amps To Cabinet Switcher for switching between two gutar combos. In this case, the rear side of the relay box remains unused. The N-audio Two Amps To Cabinet is a flexible guitar switching system enabling you to integrate your power attenuator to the whole rig. Two configurations are available: Firstly, the power attenuator can serve as a master attenuator, attenuating the signal from both amplifiers. In this arrangement, position the power attenuator before of the cabinet. Alternatively, you can use the power attenuator only for one amplifier, resulting in signal reduction solely for the chosen amplifier. To implement this setup, place the power attenuator after the speaker output of the selected amplifier and the relay unit of the switcher. For best performance of your N-audio Two Amps To Cabinet switcher, I recommend placing the relay unit near your amplifiers. You can even position it on top of them. Programming the N-audio Two Amps To Cabinet switcher with MIDI is easy. The foot controller receives MIDI messages and saves it to a preset. To program, simply press and hold the foot switch until the MIDI LED starts flashing, then send the desired MIDI message from your MIDI controller. The N-audio Two Amps To Cabinet switcher is compatible with any guitar or bass amplifier. The maximum power rating depends on the amplifier’s maximum power and the speaker cabinet’s impedance. You can use an 800W amplifier with an 8 or 16 Ohm speaker impedance. However, using more than a 400W amplifier to drive a 4 Ohm cabinet is not allowed. Specifications: -Dimensions: Footcontroller W/D/H – 6/10/4 cm, Control unit W/D/H – 10/11/3.5 cm -Power supply: BOSS style 9-12VDC adapter /center negative/ -Current consumption: Mono version – 200mA, Stereo version – 350mA -Quick and easy MIDI control and programming -16 Amps rated speaker relays -Supported tube, solid-state, and bridge (floating outputs) amplifiers like Kemper amps, Orange Micro Terror, BIAS amps, and others. -Designed and handcrafted in Europe Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9-12VDC 200mA Center Negativ

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