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 Isolated Guitar Splitter DI Box
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Isolated Guitar Splitter DI Box

Art.Nr. 3882

€ 209,00

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N-AUDIO Isolated Guitar Splitter DI Box

Isolated Guitar Splitter DI Box The N-audio Isolated Guitar Splitter / DI Box is a multifunctional device that can be used in a variety of situations where galvanic isolation is required. You can use it with a guitar, a bass guitar, a synth, or any line-level signal source such as studio preamps, PC audio interfaces, or studio mixing desk outputs. Unlike most passive transformer-isolated guitar splitters, this unit has a properly designed high-impedance FET input buffer, a high current transformer driver, and two independent galvanically isolated balanced TRS outputs. A high-quality audio transformer is at the heart of this guitar splitter. It electrically isolates both outputs, preventing ground loops, and provides an excellent common mode rejection ratio (CMRR). Each output has its own ground lift switch. A phase reverse switch is also present on Output B. The splitter’s well-optimized compact size allows it to be placed almost anywhere on your pedalboard. It works with any voltage between 9 and 18VDC and can be powered by a 9VDC power supply adapter as part of your guitar pedalboard. The 18VDC supply gives you higher headroom and high-level studio signals. The N-audio Isolated guitar splitter / Di box is a very versatile unit that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples: Sending a signal to two amplifiers or to a mixing desk generates ground loops. A transformer-based DI box solves this problem. If necessary, the additional phase switch will assist in matching the phase if necessary. This example explains how to send a guitar high-impedance signal to a device having line-level input. This device also works well with synthesizers, resolving ground loops from their switch mode power supplies. The Splitter DI box is ideal for the galvanic isolation of two audio devices. Also, works great to reamp guitars. Long guitar cables can roll off high frequencies due to the cable capacitance. The N-audio Splitter / DI box will buffer the signal and retain the tone when you have to run long cables on stage. Specifications: -Input impedance 1 Megaohm -Maximum input level @ 18VDC: +10dBu (14Vpp) -Outputs: 2 independent galvanically isolated TRS balanced outputs -Frequency response @ 600 Ohm output load: 30Hz÷30kHz ±1dB -Independent GND lift switch for each output -Phase reverse switch for channel B -Power consumption: 25mA -Power supply: Regulated center negative (BOSS style) 9-18 VDC. -Weight: 340gr. -Dimensions: W/D/H: 5/10/3,5 cm. -Designed and handcrafted in Europe Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9-18VDC 100mA Center Negativ

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