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 EVA Studio Tube Mic Preamp
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EVA Studio Tube Mic Preamp

Art.Nr. 3879

€ 1 239,00

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N-AUDIO EVA Studio Tube Mic Preamp

EVA Studio Tube Mic Preamp The N-audio EVA Studio Tube Microphone Preamp is a top-of-the-line, high-quality class-A tube microphone preamp. It combines vintage classic sound with modern features for professional sound recording. With separate gain and output level controls, you can achieve different tones – from more transparent to more colored with typical tube glow. This preamp is the perfect addition to your studio, whether you’re recording vocals, guitar, bass, drums, or any other instrument. With the EVA Studio Tube Microphone Preamp, you can capture rich, warm tones that will elevate your recordings to the next level. FEATURING A FULL-FEATURED MICROPHONE FRONT END The N-audio EVA studio tube preamp has all the necessary input controls, including a transformer-based microphone XLR input, a -20dB pad switch, a phase reverse switch, and +48 volt phantom power for condenser microphones. Whether you’re recording a soft-spoken vocal or a loud guitar riff, the N-audio EVA can handle it all. THE HIGH-IMPEDANCE INSTRUMENT INPUT It allows you to record guitar or bass. The signal passes directly to the tube for a classic sound performance, giving you the flexibility to record clean guitars for later use with amp modeling software in your DAW. In this case, your recordings can benefit from low noise and added nice tube color for a high-quality final result. PURE TUBE SIGNAL PATH The N-audio EVA’s classic pure tube signal path follows a minimalistic approach and incorporates minimal passive components. It includes an input microphone transformer and two high-quality tubes (ECC803S and ECC802S). Additionally, it features an output transformer that enhances overall performance. TUBE LIMITER Another standout feature of the N-audio EVA is its high-quality tube limiter, which offers a unique design with a typical rich tube character. The limiter has a great performance in all three positions that you can choose with a dedicated button on the front panel. The limiter LED indicator next to the button shows the selected limiter threshold. This allows you to control the dynamics of your recordings with ease, giving you the flexibility to achieve the perfect sound. PASSIVE EQ SECTION To get the best natural sound, the N-audio EVA uses a passive EQ section that is driven by a low impedance output. This EQ helps to improve your recordings and can be used for mastering without adding unwanted harmonics, distortion, or noise. The additional EQ bypass switch is added, and in bypass mode, the EQ is completely isolated from the signal path. BALANCED TRANSFORMER ISOLATED INPUT AND OUTPUT The N-audio EVA comes with balanced audio transformer isolated input and output. The best microphone preamp must have input and output transformers. They isolate galvanically the preamp from other audio devices and increase the sound quality, adding pretty sweet musical Finally, the N-audio EVA also features an extremely low noise power supply design. A lot of attention is paid to the power supply and PCB design. For best performance, instead of passive R-C filters, N-audio EVA studio tube microphone preamp has an active high voltage (+350VDC) regulator with integrated soft start. This increases the tubes’ life and decreases ripple voltage noise. Specifications: -Size: 19″ 1U rack unit 13 cm deep -Weight: 2.4Kg -Power consumption: Max 15W at 230VAC -Frequency response 35Hz÷33kHz +0dB ÷ -3dB with EQ OFF -XLR input impedance: 600 Ohm -1/4″ instrument input impedance: 1Megaohm -Output impedance: below 600 Ohm -Noise floor: below -100dB -Maximum gain: 55dB -Tubes: JJ ECC803S, JJ ECC802S -Mains: Internal pre-selected 230/240VAC or 110/115VAC -Designed and handcrafted in Europe

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