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 Halcyon Gold
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Origin Effects

Halcyon Gold

Art.Nr. 3863

€ 275,00

€ 265,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Origin Effects Halcyon Gold

Halcyon Gold The Halcyon Gold Overdrive is a classic overdrive pedal based on the Klon® Centaur® and featuring our proprietary Adaptive circuitry. This unique design allows it to adapt its voicing in response to pick attack and volume changes, making it one of the most dynamic and interactive overdrives out there. We have gone to great lengths to recreate the famous, mid-forward voicing and the exact characteristics of unobtainable vintage diodes, but also built in some innovative features that go beyond the capabilities of the original. The Halcyon Gold Overdrive’s party trick is its ADAPT switch. This allows the pedal’s mid-forward voicing to gradually fade away as the pedal cleans up, giving you classic Klon® tone with your guitar cranked but revealing the full spectrum of your clean tone as you roll back the volume knob. The DRY control lets you adjust the level of the dry signal that makes up part of this classic drive tone. The DRY control can be boosted to add body and definition when boosting a low-gain amp sound or turned down to get the most out of this pedal’s higher gain tones, especially when using a clean amp. We have also made improvements to this DRY path, changing the overload characteristics when stacking with other pedals, giving you access to even more flavours of drive. The VOICE switch gives you the ability to select either the classic Klon® mid hump or a smoother, more balanced tone. The KLN setting is simply the standard voicing, while the MOD setting engages a broader mid hump and a softer, more compressed clipping characteristic. The MOD setting is particularly well suited to single coil pickups, and higher gain tones paired with very clean amp sounds. Built in the UK to the highest standards, the Halcyon Gold Overdrive takes a modern classic and turns it into something even more responsive and versatile. Full details will be available at at time of launch. Features: -Adaptive circuitry responds to volume changes and playing dynamics -Based on the iconic Klon® Centaur® -DRY level control for extra tweakability -Voice switch offers two flavours of mid push and drive -Ultra-high input impedance -High-quality buffered bypass -Premium components throughout -Designed and built in England Benötigt: 9VDC 100mA Center Negativ

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