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Art.Nr. 3773

€ 279,00

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Strymon Cloudburst

Cloudburst Strymon Cloudburst ist in Mono oder Stereo einsetzbar !! Ambient Reverb Into The Clouds…And Beyond Sometimes a single pedal can be transformative, allowing your tone to bloom in a way that draws music out of you effortlessly and keeps you engaged for hours on end. The simple look and feel of Cloudburst belies the power underneath the hood, because it produces some of the most gorgeous ambient reverb tones and soundscapes that you’ve ever heard out of a guitar reverb pedal – there’s literally nothing else quite like it. Instant Ambient Bliss Coupled with the powerful ambience processing is a brand-new Ensemble engine, capable of creating pads and soundscapes that follow your playing organically – so if you change pickups or play in a different place on the neck you get different results. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard or played before, all wrapped in a smaller form factor that still manages to house full stereo I/O, TRS MIDI and USB-C connectors on the back panel. Prepare to be inspired! Celestial String Section Strymon Cloudburst’s Ensemble switch reveals a whole new world of captivating sounds never previously heard from a reverb pedal. Use it subtly to add harmonically rich and otherworldly dimensions to your ambient reverb soundscapes, or use it liberally to hear a lush synthesized string section swell under your guitar playing. Ensemble reacts to your entire guitar signal in an organic and musical way, delivering a richly responsive and uniquely inspiring playing experience. From Small Rooms to Infinite Spaces Strymon Cloudburst gives you multiple reverb experiences, with beautifully-tuned and natural small spaces at one end of the Decay knob and vast, expansive atmospheres at the other. As you turn the Decay control numerous internal parameters are automatically adjusted, allowing this ambient reverb pedal to produce outstanding studio-quality spaces of any size at the turn of a single knob. Compact With No Compromises All of the premium components, sound quality and road-worthiness you expect from a Strymon reverb pedal are here in Cloudburst’s new compact format. Featuring unbeatable ease of use and some of the finest reverb sounds we’ve ever created, Strymon Cloudburst could easily be the only reverb pedal you need on your pedalboard. MIDI Strymon Cloudburst features full MIDI implementation and 300 presets, allowing you to control it remotely by sending MIDI commands from your controller or DAW via the EXP/MIDI jack or USB-C connection. Remotely bypass or engage the pedal, automate decay time or other knob adjustments in your DAW or recall unique presets for each song on your setlist — the possibilities with MIDI are limitless. True / Buffered Bypass Strymon Cloudburst lets you choose between electromechanical relay-switched true bypass for a 100% untouched and unprocessed signal when the pedal is not engaged (which is the default), or our premium buffered bypass, which preserves your signal’s integrity by preventing the high frequency roll-off that can happen due to longer cable runs. JFET Input Uncompromised dynamics and feel. Exceptional touch sensitivity and responsiveness. Strymon Cloudburst feels just as good as it sounds, thanks to a high-impedance, ultra-low noise and discrete Class A JFET preamp input. Stereo Even though it might look like it’s a standard mono effect, there’s no need to make compromises when it comes to signal routing or pedal placement with Cloudburst — it’s a stereo reverb pedal with full stereo in/out capabilities. Equipped with a single TRS input and TRS output jack, the pedal keeps to a compact form factor while still giving you the option to use it in stereo. A dedicated rear panel Input switch allows you to determine the audio routing, selecting between Mono In → Mono Out, Mono In → Stereo Out, or Stereo In → Stereo Out (stereo in and out requires a TRS cable for each jack). ARM processor An evolution in technology led by mobile phones and laptop computers now allows our pedals to perform more simultaneous processes than ever before, and with significantly less power draw. That means more processing power for every sonic nuance, and less power consumption on your pedal board. Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9VDC 250mA Center Negativ

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