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 Royal Blue Overdrive Custom
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Mad Professor

Royal Blue Overdrive Custom

Art.Nr. 3771

€ 195,00

inkl. ges. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Mad Professor Royal Blue Overdrive Custom

Royal Blue Overdrive Custom The Royal Blue Overdrive Custom is an extremely touch sensitive overdrive. Compared to Royal Blue Overdrive, RBO Custom has more filtering and also added harmonic definition in the area that is between a bright switch and treble control on most amps; silky presence! After these changes, the tone of the Custom version is fatter/warmer on your treble pickup, but still clear and focused on your neck pickup. RBO Custom offers a wide range of dirt from light overdrive to distortion. And with the Drive rolled to minimum, RBO Custom serves as a booster with EQ. The Drive section of RBO Custom is extremely touch sensitive. Just like the best boutique amps at low to moderate overdrive levels, RBO Custom lets you determine the amount of breakup by picking force or adjusting volume from your guitar. RBO Custom can add this level of expressiveness to any clean or slightly overdriven amplifier. Controls: -Volume: Sets the overall output level of the pedal. -Drive: Sets the amount of a breakup from clean boost to full on distortion. -Treble: This is a boost/cut ”shelving” type equalizer that controls the amount of high end, operating somewhere between a bright switch and treble control on most amplifiers. -Bass: This is a boost/cut ”shelving” type equalizer that controls the low end just above the resonance of a standard 4x12 cabinet. Specifications: -Current draw at 9V DC: 3.5mA • Input impedance: 140kOhm -Output impedance: 25kOhm -Voltage range: 7.5V - 12V Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9VDC 50mA Center Negativ

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