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 The One Chorus
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Grobert Effects

The One Chorus

Art.Nr. 3763

€ 289,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Grobert Effects The One Chorus

The One Chorus The One Chorus is an analog modulation pedal for demanding musicians. A faithful replica of the legendary Boss™ CE-1 from 1976. Its warm and organic sound is unheard of in other choruses. The preamp drives the signal into a pleasant saturation. Go back to your roots and go back in time almost 50 years. Find out why the CE-1 has become a legend. Improvements over the original True Bypass / Original toggle switch The original mode leaves the preamp in the signal chain whether the modulation is turned on or off. True Bypass option bypasses the preamp circuit while the modulation is off. Standard 9V DC power socket It’s a Boss-type socket (oh irony!) with regular center-negative polarity. The pedal converts the voltage internally to +/-14V for the headroom and sound, just as in the original. Low noise analog NOS BBD chip The BBD chip used in The One Chorus has exactly the same audio specs as MN3002, but it has MUCH less noise to it. No compromises, it’s just better. Pure analog modulation with greatly improved signal-to-noise ratio. Two times smaller enclosure footprint Three times smaller mass Four times lower price Compared to the original unit in great condition. ON/OFF red LED Bi-color red/green LED for chorus/vibrato mode White LFO LED on the panel Pulsing with the rate of modulation separately for chorus and vibrato mode White signal clip LED on the panel Lights up when the preamp is clipping your signal How does it look? The pedal is covered with beautiful structural Diamond Black glitter powder paint. It is almost impossible to scratch or chip it. The faceplate is true, brushed and anodized aluminum plate made for my custom order. Dimensions – 122x187x57 [mm] // 4.80×7.36×2.24 [“] Benötigt: 9VDC 50mA Center Negativ

Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung von Ware am Lager solange Vorrat reicht. Preise in Euro zzgl. Versandkosten. © Frank Post, Bruchwiesenstrasse 25, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Telefon 0049(0)681-5898564, Email info AT loopersparadise de

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