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 M-EQ Driver
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Origin Effects

M-EQ Driver

Art.Nr. 3686

€ 289,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Origin Effects M-EQ Driver

M-EQ Driver The M-EQ DRIVER is a mid booster & drive pedal, based on a vintage Pultec® studio EQ. This unique pedal offers a range of mid-focused tones, from a subtle mid boost to thick, resonant overdrive and features the Adaptive Circuitry recently introduced on our Halcyon Green Overdrive. The M-EQ Driver is a pedal with a character all of its own and offers a new flavour of mid boost and drive. Still sought after today, the passive Pultec® EQs of the 1950s can be heard on thousands of hit records thanks to their highly musical, versatile EQ curves and the ability to overdrive their push-pull output stage. Rather than an exact replica, we have chosen to reimagine this classic piece of studio gear as a guitar-oriented, compact pedal, with a harmonically rich, transformer-equipped circuit recreating the sonic footprint of the original. A choice of three mid-range frequencies ensures that you can boost just the right part of your guitar signal and, when pushed harder, can elicit a range of saturation from a classic “mid-hump” overdrive to fierce “cocked wah” distortion. Thanks to the Adaptive Circuitry, the high-end roll-off of the Cut control is reduced as the pedal cleans up. This allows for a smooth transition from warm overdrive to bright clean tones in response to playing dynamics or guitar volume knob changes. Built in the UK to the highest standards, the M-EQ DRIVER continues the Origin Effects tradition of vintage, studio-inspired tones in modern guitar pedals. Features: -Based on the legendary Pultec® studio EQs of the 1950s -Choice of mid boost frequencies -Adaptive CUT control responds to volume changes and playing dynamics -Transformer-equipped circuitry -Valve-like push-pull output stage -Ultra-high input impedance -High-quality buffered bypass -Premium components throughout -Designed and built in England Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9VDC 100mA Center Negativ

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