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Jetter Gear


Art.Nr. 637

€ 285,00

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Jetter Gear GS3

GS3 Overdrive Pedal Turn your amp into a 3 Channel MONSTER!!!!!!! The GS3 is a dual channel pedal with the addition of a Master Bypass-On/Off. It has two independent pedal circuits that can be used one at a time or simultaneously for cascading gain. Channel 1: A very balanced and dynamic clean to mild OD boost. This channel is very transparent and can be set to either cleanly boost your signal or add some mild OD and dirt. You can dial-in a nice edge of breakup tone that is very touch-sensitive and warm. It can also be set to have more grit and bite. There is a good amount of volume available and more gain than your average boost pedal. This channel on its own will do a great Jimi rhythm tone or a crunchy blues. Sounds great with a Strat. This channel is not voiced to emulate any specific amp – it delivers a transparent and honest boost to your guitar signal with the ability to add some low to medium amounts of OD. Channel 1 includes Volume and Gain controls, and a “Cut” knob on the side of the pedal. Channel 2: Channel has a decidedly strong high gain Vintage Marshall Plexi voice. Extremely articulate with great dynamics as well as wonderful overtones and touch-response. This channel will give that cranked plexi tone through a clean amp. Think Leslie West rhythm tone! The note bloom is big and it cuts through on a stage wonderfully. It has just the right amount of compression for gorgeous sustain and bloom, but will stay dynamic and articulate for chord work.Channel 2 includes Volume, Gain and Tone controls. Channels Cascaded: When both channels are active, Ch1 cascasdes into Ch2. Here’s where things get fun. You can get wonderful singing lead tones or bold blues tones – get your boost with Ch1 and then dial in Ch2 for the perfect amount of OD “color”. These pedals were voiced to sound great on their own, but more importantly, they were designed to sound great when cascaded. You can get gorgeous woody Marshall lead tones that most single pedals just can’t achieve. Combined, the channels maintain low noise and DO NOT mush out. You can play a whole gig with this pedal and have 3 distinct tones to add to your basic amp tone. User Manual

Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung von Ware am Lager solange Vorrat reicht. Preise in Euro zzgl. Versandkosten. © Frank Post, Bruchwiesenstrasse 25, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Telefon 0049(0)681-5898564, Email info AT loopersparadise de

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