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Jetter Gear


Art.Nr. 2430

€ 223,23

inkl. ges. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Jetter Gear Zap

Zap Have you ever wished for that perfect, one-out-of-100 fuzz faces, pushing a plexi over the top? We all have dreamed but not many have the resources or time to find those treasures. And, where are you going to be able to play that lethal combination without stripping the paint off the walls? The ZAP is a hybrid fuzz specifically tuned to stay tight, focused and controlled. The ZAP is voiced for that classic, elusive fuzzy goodness with a very sweet, woody midrange. Gain has been optimized to swing from gritty crunch to a lead tone that blooms wonderfully with either single coils or humbuckers.

Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung von Ware am Lager solange Vorrat reicht. Preise in Euro zzgl. Versandkosten. © Frank Post, Bruchwiesenstrasse 25, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Telefon 0049(0)681-5898564, Email info AT loopersparadise de

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