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 Rook V2 Overdrive
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Mojo Hand FX

Rook V2 Overdrive

Art.Nr. 1015

€ 189,00

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Mojo Hand FX Rook V2 Overdrive

Rook V2 Overdrive Dieses Pedal wird benutzt von: Mark Tremonti (Alter Bridge, Creed,Solo Artist) Andy Davis (The Band Perry) Tom Hamilton (Aerosmith) Andy Timmons (Solo Artist) Jesse Johnson (Prince, The Time, Janet Jackson) Marlon Young (Kid Rock) Birds…funny creatures, aren’t they? Some say, a bird’s personality is best heard through it’s call. Some sound sweet and tuneful, others dark and somber. The Rook however, is a rare and somewhat complex breed. Cute metaphors aside, The Rook isn’t just one breed, but many. You’re probably thinking – “Sure, heard that one before, what makes this one so special?” You decide: Winner of the “What’s That Dude Play? Pedal Of The Year 2011! Thanks to its Baxandall Tone Stack, The Rook can be as bright or dark as you like. It’s Gain and Level knobs are your helping hands in navigating through the countless shades of drive offered by it’s 3 way toggle. Toggle UP for Classic Overdrive tones filled with rich “harmonicy” goodness, and even with the Gain dimed, The Rook maintains astonishing note articulation and chord clarity (think a highly tweakable Tube Scre@mer). Toggle DOWN to add extra gain stages for a raw and edgy, almost distortion type drive. And last but not least, the MIDDLE position removes diods for a louder and cleaner sound. This position also causes the EQ controls to be more pronounced, and excels as a boost. It’s best to start with the gain down to get a feel for this position. Or feel free to crank it up for amp melt-down. If that’s not enough, The Rook is one of the most stack friendly drives on the market. Whether stacked with various Overdrives, Fuzzes or Muffs…it literally can make your “other” pedals sound better. And it’s half the price compared to others of it’s ilk. Does the world really need another Overdrive? Maybe, maybe not….but everybody could use a little Mojo. Let your ears decide. “I recently incorporated the Rook pedal into my rig with Alter Bridge. I’m totally blown away with how great this pedal sounds. It boosts my leads without compromising clarity or tone. It’s also proving to be extremely versatile in different situations. Love it!” Myles Kennedy

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